an Association of individuals who have submitted entries to the 
WORLD TRADE CENTER MEMORIAL COMPETITION: Remember-Honor-Respect-Recognize-Reawaken 


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If you are among the 5201 Individuals or Groups that Submitted an Entry to the World Trade Center Memorial Competition  then consider yourself among a very exclusive and a very special group of people  who devoted an extraordinary amount of time, effort, and thought to creating an appropriate memorial to the Victims of the terrible Tragedy of September 11,2001.

More then any other single group of people you have carefully and thoughtfully considered the many complex issues involved in creating an appropriate memorial to the Tragedy.  As such I believe, that collectively, there is a great body of invaluable knowledge, insight, and concern among you  that can contribute in an important way to helping make the eventual memorial the finest tribute we possibly can to the victims and heroes of that terrible day .

Accordingly I would like to invite each of you to join with me in forming and exclusive group:


(In Honor of the 5201 Submissions to the World Trade Center Memorial Competition)


I would like to further invite you to post your submission here as a means of making available to the general public and especially the loved ones of the Victims of September  11, 2001 your  deep caring and sympathy for their loss as expressed by your through your personal creation.   

While it is my understanding  that the LMDC will eventually make available all of the designs, I believe that it is critical  that while the public reflects upon the many choices concerning the Memorial they have available to them the unique insight each of you brings to the process.

The tremendous effort, dedication, creativity and time that I know was demanded of each of you to prepare your submission represents a powerful and important personal tribute to the memory of all of the Victims of the September 11, 2001 Tragedy.  By making the multitude of ideas contained in your designs available now, I believe it will contribute to the public's ability to more clearly their own thinking and help make for greater and more suitable lasting memorial.  In the end, that is the most important thing and the only thing that matters.

Please send the following via e-mail: 

  • Name (list the names of all individuals involved in creating the Submission)

  • Address

  • Telephone

  • E-Mail address

  • Your Entry Registration Number to the Competition

  • A ".jpg" formatted image of your submission board not to exceed 75kb

  • Two additional ".jpg" formatted images highlighting key elements of your design.  Each Image can not exceed 50kb or you may send a single image of up to 100kb.

  • A "thumbnail" .jpg formatted sized image not to exceed 10kb of your choice which will be used as the link image to your design.

  • A Title to your design

  • A brief statement  your design not to exceed 100 words.

  • A list of five separate key words that best categorizes your design for the purpose of creating a searchable database of all designs.

  • Optionally you may include a brief personal statement not to exceed 100 words .

  • Optionally you may send a link to your own web site for displaying additional images and information about your design.

Each submitted design will be posted on its own separate page with the above information.  Additionally the thumbnail image you provide will be included on the master pages and on any in search generated pages as the link image to your individual design page.

In the event it becomes necessary to have additional funding in support of posting and maintaining the posting of the designs we may include some suitable and appropriate advertising .  Under no circumstances however, will any advertising be allowed  on any individual design page. 



You must include the following in your E-Mail:

"I hereby attest that I [insert names of all individuals involved in preparation of the submission] am the Creator of the attached design for the World Trade Center Memorial  Competition and that I made a registered submission which is included among the 5201 submissions to the Competition, and that I am acting with full authority of all of the other individuals involved in the creation of the submission.

I hereby give permission to Sherman Rattner, or his assignees to post a copy of my submission design for the World Trade Center Memorial Competition for the purpose of displaying to the public and as a means of assisting the public in viewing and evaluating the most suitable designs and ideas for the World Trade Center memorial.

I understand the Sherman Rattner is in no way affiliated with the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation or any other entity officially associated  with the  World Trade Center Memorial Competition

I agree to hold Sherman Rattner harmless for any and all actions of any and every kind and any expenses or other costs that might arise as a result of posting my design by him as herein described.

I acknowledge that I have not paid to have my design posted, nor have I received payment  from  Sherman Rattner to have my design posted and nor do I expect to receive payment or any other compensation in the future from Sherman Rattner in connection with my design and the posting of the design as described herein.

I further acknowledge that I understand that in the event it becomes necessary to support the cost of operating the site for posting the designs  that Sherman Rattner  may utilize some forms of advertising or other means of fund raising.  














The Day After




